Fall Clean Up

The summer is ending, and you are tired of mowing, watering, weeding and mulching. After summer winds down, many homeowners tend to put lawn care on the back burner until spring blooms anew. While this is a natural reaction to a new season, taking the time to put your lawn and landscape “to bed” in the fall will help you reap the rewards next growing season. Give your lawn a healthy start next spring by managing fall clean up tasks.

Remember to water. 

Before you put away that watering can and retire your sprinklers for the season, remember that thriving plants are still thirsty. Water early in the day to avoid evaporation and disease development. And don’t forget to water deeply: when you see moisture soak into the soil of container plants and beds, more water is likely needed.

Air out the soil

Thatch build-up and foot traffic can compact soil, which cuts off oxygen and nutrient supply to the lawn’s root zone. Core aeration loosens soil and airs out the earth. Soil plugs that are removed can be left on the lawn – these will eventually break down and provide an extra dose of nutrients to your lawn. Balding turf, matted-down grass, sparse new growth, pools of water, and tough ground are signs you need to aerate.

Pick-up leaves

Cleaning your lawn of leaves and sticks will prevent heavy, wet foliage from suffocating the turf. Although colorful leaves may look pretty, dark, moist environments are breeding grounds for potential disease on your lawn. Picking them up before winter hits will save you a disaster come spring!

Last mow of the year

For the last cut of the season, you should make sure you are cutting low. The ideal height to cut is 2.5” before the winter.  You may even be mowing into November in some places. If the grass is growing, you should be mowing! The turf growing process will be much slower this time of the season so make certain you’re cutting short.


Level and Overseeding

Start spring on level ground by filling in ruts and low spots where water collects now. If your lawn was even a little sparse this year, and you’re working with a warm-season species, you need to seed it now. Your final mow was just done. So, now you can add some seeds (and water). This ensures a fuller lawn next spring. 

Feed your lawn.

Think of fall fertilization as refueling and replenishing your lawn after a long, hot summer. Fall fertilization will help maintain your lawn’s root health and replenish nutrients that were expended in the summer months. Fall feedings should be timed when plants are still absorbing nutrients.

While doing some of the fall cleanup work yourself can be beneficial contacting a professional landscape company like Golden Wolf Landscape and Design can give you the advantages of convenience, quality, and reliability:

Convenience: Fall cleanup can take a lot of work, as a homeowner, you may want to spend that time relaxing with family or friends. Let Golden Wolf Landscape and Design give you back time while expertly preparing your lawn for the months ahead.

Quality: At Golden Wolf Landscape and Design we pride ourselves in our quality work. Doing the job, yourself may seem like an affordable, attractive option, but our fall cleanup services offer you a knowledgeable, thorough, and professional experience. 

Reliability: Golden Wolf Landscape and Design will answer the phone when you call, show up promptly, and provide you with a lawn that is prepared and ready for spring.


Heavy Rainfall and Proper Drainage


Fall is a Great Time to Plant