Landscape Services

Custom landscape services to enhance your property. From trees, shrubs, new mulch, new plants, mowing services, and much more, we’ll help your property stand out from the rest.

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Lawn Mowing

Keep your property looking fresh and clean with your flexible lawn contracts. Available for both private and commercial properties, the Golden Wolf Team has all the tools you need. Get in touch today to reserve your spot.


Lawn Care

Hedge trimming, pruning, and aeration will increase the overall health and appearance of your property. Pruning and trimming are usually performed annually or semi-annually depending on plant growth. Get in touch with our team today to reserve your spot.

Spring Cleanup

Spring cleanups are important due to it getting the property looking beautiful for the Spring and Summer months. Spring cleanups involve bed edging, either performed by hand or by machine, leaving a crisp, distinct, and professional edge to your landscaping beds. Get in touch with our team today before the spot fill up for the season!

Fall Cleanup

An important step in preparing your property for the winter. Our team covers services including leave removal, pruning, debris cleaning, aeration, raking, and more. Take the step today to prepare your property for the winter. Reserve your spot for next season today.


Plant Installation

Custom landscape designs to enhance your outdoor living space. From trees, shrubs, new mulch, and much more, we’ll help your property stand out from the rest. Let our team help you re-envision your property today!


Mulching & Decorative Stone Installation

Mulch application approximately 2-3” is beneficial to plants to insulate soil, retain moisture, and help prevent weed growth.


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