5 Top Landscaping Trends for 2024

1. Sustainable Landscaping

Sustainable landscaping creates a visually appealing and functional outdoor space while minimizing negative impacts on the environmental.

Ways to create a Sustainable Outdoor space include:

· Green Roof and Living Walls: Improve insulation, reduce stormwater runoff, and provide additional green space in urban environments.

· Native Plants: Help the support the local ecosystems. They adapt to the local climate and require less water, fertilizer, and pesticides than non-native species.

· Water Conservation: Water-efficient practices, such as installing drip irrigation systems, rain gardens, and using drought-tolerant plants. Mulching can also help retain soil moisture.

2. Smart/Hi-Tech Landscaping/Hardscaping

High energy consumption is a thing of the past. In 2024 it’s all about illuminating your outdoor area.

Here is what is new and exciting with outdoor lighting:

· Retrofit existing exterior lights with smart bulbs. With a smartphone app, you can program these lights to turn on and off at specific times. You can also brighten them for outdoor activities such as grilling or playing yard games. You can dim them at the end of the evening for a more relaxing experience.

· Floodlight cameras have motion sensors that trigger the lights and start recording whenever movement is detected, providing both illumination and enhanced home security.

· Go beyond your basic warm and cool white lights. Color-changing light systems can add a touch of creativity and personalization to your landscaping. They can be controlled at the touch of an app, which allows you to change the color and intensity of the lights of your outdoor space to celebrate special occasions or to reflect your mood.

· Robotic mowers are autonomous machines designed to mow lawns without human intervention. These devices use sensors, navigation systems, and often GPS technology to navigate around a yard, detect obstacles, and avoid collisions. They are quiet, eco-friendly, and save time.

· Auto irrigation systems are devices used to water landscapes, gardens, and lawns without the need for manual intervention. These systems provide efficient and consistent watering, helping to maintain healthy plants while conserving water. A central unit schedules watering times and durations based on factors like time of day, day of the week, and watering zone.

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3. Minimalistic Gardens Creating a minimalist garden involves stripping away unnecessary elements to focus on simplicity, clean lines, and a sense of calm, elegance, and tranquility.

Here are some ideas to help you design a beautiful minimalist garden:

· Limited Plant Palette: Choose a small selection of plants with clean, architectural forms. Choose plants for their simple shapes and foliage, such as grasses, succulents, and ferns. Stick to a limited color palette to maintain a cohesive look.

· Clean Lines: Incorporate straight lines and geometric shapes in your garden design. Use raised beds, paved pathways, and container gardens to create structure and organization.

· Natural Materials: Use natural materials like wood, stone, and gravel to add texture and interest to your garden such as a wooden deck, stone pathway, or gravel patio for a minimalist touch.

· Negative Space: Embrace empty space as a design element. Leave areas of bare soil or gravel between plants to create a sense of openness and tranquility.

· Focal Point: Choose a single focal point or feature to anchor your garden design. This could be a sculptural element, a water feature, or a striking plant specimen placed in a strategic location.

· Seasonal Interest: Choose plants that provide year-round interest, such as evergreen shrubs or ornamental grasses. Incorporate seasonal accents like flowering bulbs or seasonal containers to add variety without overwhelming your landscaping. Discover our design capabilities.

4. Experiment with colors and textures

Landscaping color trends for 2024 all about experimenting with color and textures, be bold!

Here are a few landscaping color trends for 2024:

· Earthy Tones: Neutral and earthy tones such as beige, taupe, terracotta, and sandstone remain popular choices for landscaping elements like paving stones, retaining walls, and outdoor furniture. These colors create a warm and inviting atmosphere while complementing natural surroundings.

· Soft Pastels: Soft pastel shades like pale pink, powder blue, and mint green can add a subtle pop of color to garden beds, containers, and outdoor living spaces. The soft colors give you a sense of serenity and tranquility, perfect for creating a peaceful outdoor oasis.

· Rich Jewel Tones: Deep, rich jewel tones such as emerald green, sapphire blue, and amethyst purple add drama and sophistication to garden design. These bold colors create eye-catching focal points when used sparingly in flower beds, foliage, or outdoor decor.

· Contrast and Drama: Bold contrasts and high-impact color combinations are making a statement in landscaping design. Pairing complementary colors like orange and blue or purple and yellow can create dynamic visual effects that draw attention to key focal points throughout your landscape.

· Natural Wood Tones: Natural wood tones ranging from light oak to dark mahogany are timeless choices for outdoor structures like decks, pergolas, and fences. Their warm hues blend seamlessly with the surrounding landscape and provide a rustic yet refined outdoor environment.

5. Porcelain Pavers

Porcelain pavers are a relatively new and innovative option for outdoor paving and landscaping. They are attractive, durable, and versatile option for outdoor paving projects, offering homeowners and landscapers a practical and stylish alternative to traditional paving materials.

Here's what you need to know about them:

· Material: Porcelain pavers are made from high-quality porcelain clay that is fired at extremely high temperatures, resulting in a dense and durable material. They mimic the appearance of natural stone, wood, or other materials, offering a wide range of options.

· Durability: Porcelain pavers are highly durable and resistant to wear and tear, making them suitable for outdoor use in various climates. They are non-porous resistant to water absorption, staining, mold, and mildew and resistant to fading, scratching, and chipping, making them a long-lasting option for outdoor surfaces.

· Low Maintenance: One of the key advantages of porcelain pavers is their low maintenance requirements. They are easy to clean and maintain, requiring only regular sweeping and occasional washing with water and mild detergent to keep them looking their best.

· Installation: Porcelain pavers can be installed using a variety of methods, including traditional mortar setting, dry installation with pedestals or spacers, or even as a floating floor system. The installation process is like that of other types of pavers or tiles but does specific tools and techniques due to the material's hardness and density.

· Cost: While porcelain pavers may have a higher upfront cost compared to some other paving materials, they offer excellent long-term value due to their durability and low maintenance requirements.

· Commonly used around pool. It looks like natural stone but does not get hot on the surface. No burning toes!

For more information on hardscape installation click here.

Contact us at (908) 578-1179. You can also fill out a request form for a quote on our website under our “Contact Us” tab. We're looking forward to hearing from you.


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