How to deer proof your landscape?

Deer can be a charming sight in the wild, but when they start feasting on your carefully nurtured plants, it can quickly become a frustrating experience for any gardener. In this guide, we'll explore effective strategies to deter deer from making a meal out of your garden.

1. Choose Deer-Resistant Plants:

One proactive way to prevent deer damage is to select plants that are less appealing to them. While no plant is entirely deer-proof, some varieties are known to be less attractive to them. We call these plants deer resistant. With the help of a landscape professional, they can assist with choosing the best plants for your project. Examples include Lavender, Boxwoods, Barberry, Spirea, and Astilbe to name a few.

2. Install Physical Barriers:

Fencing remains one of the most effective methods for keeping deer out of your garden. If installing a permanent perimeter fence, a professionally installed fence at least 8 feet high will be best, as deer are skilled jumpers. Use materials like metal or PVC mesh to ensure durability. Check the fence regularly for any damage and promptly repair it.

You can also install fencing around specific trees or landscape beds that may be more prone to having deer pay attention to them. This fencing does not need to be as tall since it will be in a smaller space and closer proximity to the plants. A 4-foot fence here will do. This fencing will also prevent deer from rubbing their antlers on trees over the winter months.

3. Utilize Repellents:

Numerous commercial deer repellents are available on the market, ranging from spray-on solutions to granules. These products often contain ingredients like garlic, hot pepper, or predator urine. Apply repellents directly on plants or create a perimeter around your garden. Be sure to reapply after rain or watering for optimal effectiveness. The repellents used do require frequent application to see the best long-term effects of the product(s). There are also companies for hire that offer deer repellent applications over the course of the year to give you the peace of mind of not missing an application.

4. Employ Scare Tactics:

Deer can be frightened by sudden movements or loud noises. Consider installing motion-activated sprinklers or setting up wind chimes and aluminum foil strips around your garden. These tactics can startle deer and discourage them from returning.

5. Use Natural Deterrents:

Make use of natural elements that deer find unappealing. Deer dislike the smell of soap, so hang fragrant soap bars around your garden. Similarly, spreading human or pet hair can create an odor barrier that deters deer. Just remember to refresh these deterrents periodically.

6. Rotate Plants and Gardens:

Deer are creatures of habit, and if they discover a readily available food source in your garden, they'll likely return. To avoid this, regularly rotate your plantings and consider creating multiple smaller gardens rather than one large one. This can make it more difficult for deer to establish a feeding routine.

7. Home Remedies:

Homemade remedies can also be effective. Mixtures of garlic, cayenne pepper, and water can be sprayed on plants to deter deer. Experiment with different concoctions to find what works best for your garden.

With a combination of preventative measures, you can create a garden that is less appealing to deer, reducing the likelihood of damage to your plants. Experiment with different strategies and be consistent in your efforts to enjoy a beautiful, deer-resistant garden.

Contact us at (908) 578-1179. You can also fill out a request form for a quote on our website under our “Contact Us” tab. We're looking forward to hearing from you.


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