Heavy Rainfall and Proper Drainage

We have seen heavy rains and winds over the last few weeks. Are you noticing puddles forming in your yard, pooling of water around your foundation or eroding of your landscaping? A good drainage system is an integral part of keeping your yard and landscape attractive and functional. Without proper drainage, all the time, effort, and money spent on landscaping can be wasted due to improper drainage.

Golden Wolf Landscape and Design understands how important properly functioning drainage is to any landscape. At Golden Wolf we work on residential and commercial properties with a team of engineers that come together to develop the optimal plan for you based on township regulations in PA and NJ. We have years of experience in helping clients solve tricky drainage problems. Before giving up on water and drainage problems in your yard or landscape setting, let us take a look and formulate a plan to ensure the health and longevity of your landscape.

When it comes to drainage, pooling water and soggy soil can damage your landscaping and it can permanently damage the foundation of your home. If there’s a severe thunderstorm, water can flow through your yard significantly faster. This rapidly moving water needs to be properly directed away and routed to a safer and harmless section of your property. Knowing the importance of proper drainage in landscaping isn't just for your yard but your home, as well.

Golden Wolf Landscape and Design will access your property and determine which drainage technique will work best for your property. All the options resolve the issue of standing water erosion and potential foundation damage.

Swales direct the flow of water and channels it to where it can be properly and safely discharged. Located in low spots of the lawn, two angled slopping sides allow water to slowly return into the soil through the gravel inside the swale. Swales prevent weakening of the spoil which can lead to serious structural issues. It can become a part of the landscape with grass, stone, and plants.

French drains have become the basis of all modern drainage systems. French drains are a sub-surface drainage system that is like a trench. The trench is usually about a foot and half deep and 1 to 3 feet wide, lined with drainage stone and has a perforated PVC pipe for drainage. Drainage stone is designed to increase the percolation rate of water diverting standing or slow draining water out to another section of the property.

Downspout rerouting or burial is one of the best ways to improve drainage and to keep water from getting to your foundation. Taking downspouts underground with pipe can move the water far away from your foundation and landscape to there is no pooling or standing water.

Catch basins or Channel drains are drainage systems that collect excess water and divert it away from your home’s foundation. Installed catch basins are connected to a pipe and increases the flow of water into the drainage system. They can be installed throughout your yard to improve drainage and help keep your foundation safe from flooding. Catch basins are typically made of casted concrete or PVC while channel drains are PVC or metal.

Rain Gardens are a beautiful, decorative, and functional solution for drainage. Rain gardens capture and absorb rainwater, reducing run-off. If the native soil has too much clay it may not absorb water as quickly as it should. The native soil is replaced with amended soil containing compost topsoil and sand to increase drainage. The water is drained to surrounding areas of the soil. Native plants are put in that thrive with the soil composition and the increase of water.

Berms are mounded hills of soil that prevents water flow to a certain area and/or directs it to an area. They can be a few inches up to 3 feet tall depending upon the needs. A planting of trees or shrubs may be used with stone to make it aesthetically pleasing. A berm can be placed to block or change the flow of water across the property and prevent water from draining back towards a house foundation or prevent water from puddling in the wrong place.

Landscaping makes any home look beautiful. Whether you are looking for landscaping services or help with drainage issues Golden Wolf Landscape and Design is here to make sure your yard, and landscape the envy of the neighborhood. If you have questions or are concerned your home may have a drainage problem, contact us today.


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